QuadraturePointsContains Lebedev quadrature points and has functions to evaluate numerical integrals on the unit sphere.
Public types
using scalar_function = std::
function<double(double, double, double)> - scalar_function
using vec = std::
vector<double> - vector of doubles
using vector_function = std::
function<vec(const vec&, const vec&, const vec&)> - vector of doubles
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- QuadraturePoints(QuadratureOrder quad_order)
- Calculates set of quadrature points based on integration order.
Public functions
auto evaluate_spherical_integral(const scalar_
function& integrand_at_point) const -> double - Calculates spherical integral given a function object.
auto evaluate_spherical_integral(const vector_
function& integrand_at_points) const -> double - Calculates spherical integral given a function object.
- auto get_weights() const -> const vec&
- Returns const reference to vector of weights of quadrature points.
- auto get_x() const -> const vec&
- Returns const reference to vector of x-coordinates of quadrature points.
- auto get_y() const -> const vec&
- Returns const reference to vector of y-coordinates of quadrature points.
- auto get_z() const -> const vec&
- Returns const reference to vector of z-coordinates of quadrature points.
Function documentation
double lebedev:: QuadraturePoints:: evaluate_spherical_integral(const scalar_ function& integrand_at_point) const
Calculates spherical integral given a function object.
The function object integrand_at_point
takes three doubles x
, y
, z
corresponding to the coordinates of the evaluation point. It should return a double corresponding to the integrand evaluated at that point.
double lebedev:: QuadraturePoints:: evaluate_spherical_integral(const vector_ function& integrand_at_points) const
Calculates spherical integral given a function object.
The function object integrand_at_points
takes three references to vectors x
, y
, z
which contain the coordinates of all of the points at which the integrand will be evaluated. It should return a vector of doubles corresponding to the integrand evaluated at all of the quadrature points.